I'm just....so normal

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


yowzers! It's steamy in here. My apartment is a bit like a sauna right now. I'm trying not to melt into my chair as I type this. I think it's an ice cream for dessert night for sure. I'm glad I made enough dinner to have leftovers last night. Microwaving isn't as hot as oven.

On the hunt for air conditioning. Not so much for me (although I'll enjoy it) but more to keep the cat alive :S

Sunday, May 28, 2006

weekend update

This weekend was much more relaxing than I had originally planned and I'm glad it turned out this way. I ended up taking Friday off (lieu time) and ran errands. Saturday night I went to my cousin's 21st birthday party. It was....interesting. He's a city kid and was definitely brought up differently than my mom and dad brought my sister and I up. We're like nuns in direct comparison. I always remember leaving family functions and my parents turning to us in the back seat and saying, "we may have made a lot of mistakes in our lives, but we definitely raised two amazing daughters and did that right. Thank you for being so well-behaved all the time." I think this is why I'm such a rules-oriented person. I never want to offend or get in trouble.
We sat at a table with my dad's cop cousin and his two little girls who had crack running through their blood stream. Whoa did those girls have energy, but they're super bright and very cute. Cop cousin is going to set me up with a guy he knows. Should be interesting.
After the dinner portion, aunt is all excited about the "big surprise." Hmm...turns out she hired a "sexy, but tasteful stripper for her son" I turned to my own mother and said, if you ever do this, we will never talk again. Now I'm not a mother (yet) and I don't know how I'll really feel, but I can't imagine I'll be cool and comfortable enough to hire a skanky hoe for my son. Just me.

Lights dim and in comes the lady of the night. The young friends of my cousin were in their glory. The ladies (various family members and neighbours) were a bit shocked and looked away at the really raunchy parts. My aunt assured us this lady wouldn'tbe taking off clothes. Yah right! She underessed my cousin to boxers and then was herself left in her undies. At that point, my aunt was pissssssed. She was trying to get the lady out of there. My dad thought it was hilarious (aunt is his younger sister). Siblings never change their behaviour :) We busted out of the party soon after all this. Definitely an interesting experience. I can't imagine my 21st birthday party (had I been thrown one) would have been anything like that.

Sunday, slept in, made crepes for breaky, read for while, did nothing much. :) Can't believe it's back to work tomorrow morning.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I didn't end up making it to the gym. Nor did I put my laundry away. I made a semi-To Do list and I'm ready to head to TO for the party. I did do some reading on the balcony though. Seriously, I don't know why I think I always have to be doing something on a weekend. The week's busy enough, it's not like I'm not living on the weekend. I am just choosing to have a low key one :)

Hope you're enjoying yours!

Friday, May 26, 2006

oh! one more thing...

...I forgot to mention that I stole a lady's cart today at the grocery store. I was in the produce section getting all my fruits and veggies and left my cart at the end to go pick up some green beans. I grabbed it when I was done and went off to get my loaf of bread. It wasn't until I put the bread in that I realized I had someone else's cart. I certainly didn't put the giant bag of red apples in MY cart. So I went back and found a lady wandering through the department waiting for her cart to be returned. Luckily mine was still there too. ooooooopps.

day off

Today was a great day off! Well deserved, if I do say so myself :)

Got up early and went to the salon for a pedicure. I've got some pretty cute toes right now. I'm loving the colour. Headed out in the pouring rain to run more errands. Went to my sister's store to see what she looked like. I haven't seen her in weeks. I can't believe we live in the same city and I see her about as much as I did when she still lived at home. She looked the same, in case you were wondering.
After that, I headed over to the grocery store to get some food. Got everything I needed. I'm trying this stir-fry dish from my new cookbook and had to pick up some stuff I'd never heard of. Can't wait to try it out though!
Came back home and had a little bit of lunch and a while later took a little nap. Woke up, watched a movie, made a great salad for dinner and washed dishes. Definitely the right amount of low-key activities I was looking for today.

Tomorrow's tasks - gym, put laundry away, make To Do list, go to TO for a birthday party.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I played my first games of Ultimate tonight. It was more running than I was anticipating! It was a lot of fun though and I'm glad to be playing.
The fields were complete mud, though, and I now need a new pair of shoes for the gym. I threw out a pair of socks and I'm hoping to salvage the pants. One run through the mud puddle and my shoe was actually suctioned off my foot!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Things I did before graduation....

EDIT: I've only done the things in bold - what kind of girl did you take me for!?!

*live off campus - Ah Chartwell and Fosing Lee
*spend the summer in guelph - beer and nachos as Pablos
*paint the cannon - so many times!
*ask a professor for 3 extentions on an assignment
*attend a varsity game
*dress the naked folks on the fountain downtown
*read a novel - unassigned
*skip a class
*go to class
*sleep through a class
*kiss a boy
*kiss a girl
*vote in the CSA election
*vote in a municipal election

*sit in on a class you aren't a part of - even wrote the weekly quiz under an alias
*take over the discussion in a class you aren't a part of
*perform live music
*go to a play
*order in
*pick up the tribune from the ontarion racks and move it
*pick up the peak
*pick up the ontarion
*play intramurals
*ride all the bus routes
*get 91% on an exam
*get 19% on an exam
*go vegetarian
*resume eating meat
*pub hop in the south end
*patio hop
*bar crawl

*tell someone you go to "moo u"
*go drinking with your professor
*wear pyjamas to class
*join a club
*go to sunday night cinema
*go to the free noon concerts in the UC
*break into the tunnels
*set off the book alarm in the library
*have sex in the library

*volunteer at the ontarion
*write a letter to the ontarion
*take a dip in the pond
*swear at the folks at financial services
*trayboggan by lambton hall
*pull an all nighter
*pull an all nighter and then fall asleep at miss the due date
*take personal hygiene lightly
*walk the animals at the OVC
*drop out
*smoke a cigar
*drop acid and smoke a cigar
*get free CDs from the sucker Arts and Culture Editor at the Ontarion
*see the cow with the glass stomach
*get your hand caught in the cow with the glass stomach
*send an ontarion classified to the most beautiful person on campus inviting them to go to the college royal ball
*after recieving no response, take out another classified to sell your no longer needed ticket
*change your major - 3 times
*bike to guelph lake to see the hole in the lake
*go to the farmer's market
*smoke a fatty
*sit and ponder life in the arboretum
*get lost in south residence
*get over your ani defranco phase
*take your drunk friend home in a shopping cart
*hand in an essay on time
*get free condoms from medical services
- but I was an RA...I had to have them for my students
*help clean the speed river
*skinny dip in the speed river
*learn the difference between MacKinnon, MacLachlan, McLaughlin, MacNaughton, and MacDonald
*Try to book a personal appointment with Morty (Alastair)
*Realize your Professors smoke more drugs than you do.
*Count the discrepancy between the number of people on the bus and the number of beeps the driver enters
*play dress up with the begging bear

*volunteer at the peak
*go for a night's walk through the arboretum
*go to college royal
*go to fair november
*figure out how recycling works on and off campus
*streak johnston green (it's been done)
*visit an art show at Zavitz
*convince your RA to break a rule, and then blackmail him/her
*Hand in an assignment five days late without asking for an extention
*find out who really runs this place
*get drunk and eat sun suns
*stay sober and eat sun suns
*go to an aggie pub
*attend the hillside music festival
*visit the church of our lady (the outside of it, to take some nice pictures).
*find out why guleph is called the royal city
*swim in the fountain downtown (clothes optional)
*find scaleable building roofs downtown
*check out the square dancing club
*go to the HAFA resturant
*go to world on a plate
*put coloured dye or laundry detergent in the fountain downtwon
*make thanksgiving dinner in Rez
*go to a midnight swim in the AC.
*attempt to bike up gordon hill.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Springy Spring Spring

I'm so excited for Spring, I just wet my plants!

It's a little cool out there today. I wore flip flops to the market and my toes were cold! I should have known better as I'm getting over this cold.

Just got back from my first trip to St. Jacob's market this season! I really love that place! I can't wait for the fruits and veggies to be in season.

Rest of the day will be spent cleaning. I think a tornado blew through my apt this week.

Happy day!