I'm just....so normal

Monday, January 26, 2009

In a flash..

In a flash, life changed.
In a flash, happy turned sad.
In a flash, my family was altered.

I replay the knock on the door and my mom and sister standing there with tears in their eyes. I reeled back into the house and all I remember was crying no, no, no over and over. I knew why they were there. I knew my dad was gone. I'll never understand why he was taken so soon and why we won't have a longer life with him, but I will always be thankful we didn't lose him 10 years ago when he had his massive heart attack and bypass surgeries. I'll also be thankful that when he had his 2 strokes almost 3 years ago, that he survived those too.

I have to take comfort that he didn't go painfully.
I have to take comfort that he got to see my sister and I reach life milestones I know he wanted to see.
I have to take comfort that I have years and years of happy, wonderful memories.
I have to take comfort that he'll always be with me.

I'm sad right now, but I know time will heal me.


  • I'm terribly sorry Nic. My thoughts are with you, your mom, your sister and all those whose lives were influenced by your dad.

    By Blogger justin, at 6:26 PM  

  • I've been thinking of you Nic. Lots of love.

    By Blogger Shannon, at 6:36 PM  

  • There is something so admirable about you, Nicole, and the tone of this post reminds me of that inner strength you have.

    My thoughts have been with you since I found out and I hope that you, your sister and your mom are able to find some comfort during this unimaginably difficult time. You are so right that time will heal.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:29 PM  

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