I'm just....so normal

Thursday, December 29, 2005

play that funky music

There is a child who lives in the apartment above mine. I think she sounds like a herd of elephants.

She got a recorder for Christmas.

Can you sense my excitement?!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holiday times

I took a week off around the week I'm schedule off, which has been amazing for relaxing and getting some things done. Went home last Tuesday night with my sister to my parents' house. It was great to get there and help with stuff around the house, bake, get last minute shopping done. We found out my dad's uncle passed away Tuesday night so Friday we were in Newmarket at a funeral. It was great to see the extended family, but obviously not for the reason we were there. Ate me an egg salad sandwich at the legion with all the old relatives. Weird.

Saturday was Christmas Eve and we spent it prepping for Christmas Day, which was being celebrated at our house this year. I made up some gingerbread men and I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. I kept saying the "not my gumdrop buttons" line from Shrek. So funny. We made some hysterical looking men. A couple lost limbs in the process, but it was so much fun.

Christmas Day was great. Lots of great food, company, stories and laughs. The typical political and hockey debates ensued and most of us girls glazed over. It was pretty funny. I imagine there are only a few of these left before we start to grow our own families and we branch off.

I was supposed to drive back with my sister Sunday night, but the snow was falling pretty hard and we decided not to risk the drive at night. Bright and early we got up Monday morning to get her to work on time. Poor thing having to work Boxing Day.

I can't believe I still have a week off before I head back to work! I realize I really won't be able to take time off like this until the summer so I'm enjoying every moment of it!

Hope all is well with everyone and that you all are having a great holiday.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Lookey me....all in blue hue...

I'm a big girl now!

The beauty (not so much) of working contracts was that I was always hesitant to settle down in my apartment. Every 6 months, I was job hunting across the country, trying to find something permanent. As a result, I kept using the futon I got for free 4 years ago and have never decorated.

When I got my permanent position in October, I started to get really excited about the fact that I didn't have to search for jobs or prepare for interviews. I started to look forward to coming off the road so that I could finally decorate my apartment. I have yet to do that, but today I'm at home because my new couch and arm chair are being delivered! I bought furniture! I'm so excited!

Today I'm dismantling the futon (that my sister will now get) and I'm clearing the path for the nice delivery man to bring me my big girl furniture. I can actually settle down and stay put for a while. Yay!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

datey date date

Went on a date with this guy a couple of weeks ago. I went into it with a very open mind - trying not to think much about it and the what ifs. It was....weird. He kept saying "that's fun" or "that makes things more fun" when responding to something. I chalked it up to him being nervous. In all honesty, there wasn't a big connection between us....not anything that would lead to dating, but I thought I'd give it a chance and not write him off after the first impression. We've been trading emails and msn conversations since, but actions are speaking louder than words and I'm not interested in another date.

As open as I am to a relationship, I forgot how tedious dating can be.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

O Christmas Tree...

Tree went up tonight! wheee!