Ok, so this is proof alone that I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world.
Age 16 - get my 365 (driver's learning permit) before the new graduated licensing took effect
Age 17 - 365 expired, didn't learn to drive; date guy with license and car
Age 18 - write G1 test and take driver's ed.
Age 19 - take and pass first road test and get G2 license
Age 20-24 - drive occasionally during year, but most driving during breaks from university
Age 24 - G2 about to expire; try to book exit test, but no date available; take first road test again to renew license
Age 26 - buy car; insurance takes me to the bank because I'm stupid and still don't have full license
Age 27 - book test for March 14
Today - take exit test and pass!!!!
11 years later I am fully licensed. I could have been so many different times and kept putting it off. I'm so pathetic!!